Owners will be required to put forth their best team each week, failure to do so will result in your team being commandeered, but only if the negligence in question is egregious, such as starting an inactive player.
Owners are expected to be active in group discussions and polls, when possible.
To bring more balance to the game, the IFL shall be a points-per-reception (PPR) league, meaning players will receive one point for each reception they make in a game. This lessens the reliance on dominant RBs, and achieves more consistent performances out of reliable wide receivers and tight ends.
1 point for every 25 kickoff and punt return yards for D/ST, and individual offensive players, as well as 6 points for individual players who return a special teams TD.
With Sleeper now supporting this statistic, the IFL re-implemented this scoring in 2023.
This was abolished by Amendment XX.
If going into Week 13, two teams are tied for divisional lead, a schedule change for Week 13 will be invoked that will create an effective Divisional Championship Game, as a play-in for the playoffs. This means all divisional games will be scheduled prior to Week 13.
The 2016 IFL Draft and all consecutive drafts will be based on a formula which is based on the NBA's draft lottery, so that team's with the lowest win-loss record have the highest chance of getting their preferred draft order position. The team that comes in last has about a 9% chance of getting their pick compared to the team that comes in 5th, who has a 0.62% chance of getting their pick (top six teams cannot get the first four order picks). Then to keep motivation high for putting your best team forward each week, winning the Consolation Bracket and Super Consolation Bracket will boost your shares in the lottery and consequentially boost your odds at getting top pick, so winner of the Consolation Bracket will end up with an effective 42% odds of top pick, and winner of the Super Consolation Bracket will end up with 21% odds. Therefore it behooves everyone to try to make the Playoffs, whether it be for the Championship or for better draft odds.
This was abolished by Amendment XXI.
There is a second flex position, that will add the option of an additional RB, WR, or TE each week.
Owners may trade players for next-year draft picks, with important caveats:
This must not be used to "give up" on your team for the year, and all proposed trades with the appearance of one team giving up on the current year in preparation for the next year will be vetoed. This is only to be used to "sweeten the pot". EXAMPLE: (Let's say, Nelson really wants Gronk and offers Ezekiel Elliott. But Nick is hesitant to take a chance on the rookie, so Nelson offers Ezekiel and his 2017 4th Round Pick.)
To make certain the above caveat is not abused, draft pick involved trades will only be allowed for the first 5 weeks of the season, and the deadline will be the Friday of Week 5 each year. does not have the tools to create draft pick trade offers, and since you cannot trade a player away for nothing in return, this will only work if both parties are receiving a player.
A team can also not have more than 16 picks in the draft, so a team that receives a draft pick, will lose their 16th Round Pick, then 15th Round and so on.
In an accepted trade between the two parties, they will be automatically enrolled in the next season.
The waiver system no longer resets weekly.
Amendment VIII was abolished in favor of Amendment XVIII
Commissioner reserves the right to veto trades in order to prevent collusion, illegality, and from a trade being too imbalanced toward one team.
Here's the process for gauging the relative balance of a trade:
Trades are presented to consulting panel that is made up of veteran fantasy coaches that represent multiple divisions within the IFL and are people that the commissioner trusts to be unbiased.
Panel is presented with findings of's trade analyzer, which takes the Rest of Season rankings from the most accurate fantasy experts and averages them to get an accurate consensus ranking for each player and combines this with value over replacement player based formulas to give an analysis of the relative balance of a given trade. This gives a neutral basis for judging a trade's balance, from fantasy experts outside the league.
Each coach on this panel uses these findings along with their own deep knowledge of fantasy to come to their own opinion about whether or not the trade crosses the line of being too imbalanced.
After each coach has given their opinion, the commissioner makes the final decision on whether to veto a trade based on information from the trade analyzer, the consensus of the consulting panel, and his own knowledge of fantasy.
If a trade is worthy of a veto due to being too imbalanced, and it is not collusion, I will talk with the perceived "losing" party, present them with the opinions of experts, and coaches within the league, and if they are still convinced that the trade is equitable or in their favor, then the trade will go through. If their opinion changes when presented with this information, then the trade will be vetoed.
IFL will now be a FAAB - Free Agent Acquisition Budget waiver system, with a season budget of $100.
Point Per First Down (PPFD) – the IFL will be engaging in a trial year (2019) of ½ PPR ½ PPFD; instead of scoring one full point per reception, players will receive ½ a point, and now players can receive ½ a point for a first down as well. A 2-yard run for a first down is now worth 0.7 points, which better represents the actual value that play provides in game. This amendment modifies the original constitution.
Bench Slot to IR Slot – In an effort to improve the available player pool, we will be converting one bench position on team rosters to an IR slot. The IR slot can only be filled with a player who is Doubtful, Out, or has IR status. This will flood the player pool with 16 more healthy players this year, and up every coaches’ chances to improve their team post-draft.
QB INTs = -3 Pts – Since QBs benefit from the PPFD system implemented in Amendment X, the interception penalty will be buffed from -2 pts to -3 pts to keep their current value on par.
Defense Points Allowed Scoring – We will now turn on a modifier for defensive points allowed per point, so we can make the scoring less arbitrary. The scoring effectively remains the same, but is smoother as a defense allows more points, and the commissioner no longer needs to manually adjust DEF scoring for high points allowed totals. This completely abolishes Amendment I.
PPR Bonuses for WRs/TEs: When we made the change from full point PPR to 1/2 point PPR / 1/2 Point per First Down, it was to make the viewing experience more enjoyable, but it had the side effect of making QBs & RBs a boost that makes them a bit overpowered. To buff WRs / TEs, they will receive a PPR bonus. All positions will still receive 0.5 PPR, but WRs will receive a bonus of 0.25 PPR, and TEs will receive a bonus of 0.5 PPR. So the net PPR breakdown is: RBs = 0.5 PPR / WRs = 0.75 PPR / TEs = 1 PPR. This pushes 3 QBs out of the Top 25 in scoring, pulls 4 WRs into the Top 25, and pulls 4 TEs into the Top 100.
Fumble/Fumble Lost: With the positional rebalancing needed, we are adding a penalty of -1 points for fumbles (that aren’t lost), and changing the penalty of fumbles lost from -2 to -3. This is a nerf to QBs primarily, then RBs secondarily.
This Amendment was fixed in 2023 to address an accidental combination of fumbles lost and fumble stat combining for a net -4 points whenever there was a fumble lost. Moving forward there will only be a -3 point loss for a lost fumble.
Kicker Penalties: Tiered penalties for missed kicks depending on yardage:
Countered Trades: Accepted trades can now be countered. Once a trade is accepted, league members will have 24 hours to “raise” the offers to the coaches of the original trade. If a counter is accepted, the original trade will be canceled, and the new trade will be accepted, which will start a new 24 hour clock, and that trade can be countered. If any trade is not countered after 24 hours, it will be automatically processed. This will effectively abolish the trade review process by the commissioner and the IFL council. PSA: if a trade is made involving players that are playing within 24 hours, the trade will not process until after that game has concluded, i.e. you will not be able to play those players until the following week.
Rivalry Week: Henceforth Week 8 of the regular season will be the known as Rivalry Week. Winners of Week 8 will be awarded 10 FAAB.
Official abolishment of Amendment III.
Official abolishment of Amendment V.