Highest Scoring Team ($15)
Coach Brady
180.05 pts
(2nd time this season)
Highest Scoring Player ($7)
Coach Jord
DK Metcalf - 37.1 pts
(Brady’s Dalvin Cook had 52.1 pts)
Pickup of the Week
Big Brother
Coach Austin
DeeJay Dallas
$0 Waiver Pickup - 21.3 pts in Week 7
High Bid of the Week
Big Brother
Coach Austin
Tyrell Adams
$20 Waiver Pickup - On bye in Week 8
Bench of the Week
Scallon Express
Coach John
Steelers DEF - 20.12 pts
Benched for Titans DEF - (-1.43) pts
This week was the week of individual performances, including one for the record books. The top 3 scoring players all carried their teams to victories, and the most ridiculous one, Dalvin Cook, scored the most points in IFL history (as scored at the time), with 52.1, 226 all-purpose yards, 4 tuddies and 9 first downs. Unbelievable. And I was the pour soul that played him. With Ewoldt losing his 3rd straight game, this week to TC 115-167, Brady’s 180-140 win gives him a one game lead and control of the X-IA division.
The #2 scorer this week, DK Metcalf, put up 37.1 pts and that was good enough to secure a 154-141 win for PROFESSOR DISRESPECT against the Pop Punk Pirates in our Game of the Week, which brings both teams to 4-4. Thanks to some solid defensive play from the Buccaneers, Drew was able to eek out his first win of the season over Big Brother, 161-156, which gives Brady a little extra breathing room in X-IA, with all three teams beside his losing. With 5 weeks left in the regular season, the win for Drew means that he can still actually win his division, being 4 games back, as can Hunt for that matter, who suffered his 7th loss of the season, this week to the Barium Bunch and Mahomes, the #3 scorer this week, 144-135.
Qualley, suffered his 3rd loss of the season the Scallon Express 125-148, and with TC picking up his 6th in of the season, Jack & TC are now in a tie at the top of the DD&B.
Nick also grabbed his 3rd loss of the season, but which Joe drop kicking Curtis 157-119, he maintains a one game lead in the CdS. Aaron, who gave him that L, 156-140, stays two games up in the BSC.
Everyone is still in it with 5 weeks to go. Doesn’t get any better than that.
An average week for X-IA was all they needed to once again take the lead for top division, as the Cul-de-Sack had an off week as a divison.
Division Overall W-L:
X-IA: 272-208
CdS: 266-214
DD&B: 233-247
BSC: 189-291
6 weeks now without a perfect picker, but our leader, Papa Jord goes 3 for 4, besting the consensus, and extends his lead by another point.
Tune in next week as one of my opponent’s players score 60 points.