Dear IFL Coach,
I warned you. 3 years ago, I told you that Jack’s insatiable appetite for power and glory would increase tenfold after his first taste of a championship, and despite having two less seasons under his belt than most coaches in the league, Jack is now the first coach in our history to wield two IFL championship rings.
“In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal. But I’ll tell you now, what I’m about to do to your stubborn, annoying little fantasy league ... I’m going to enjoy it. Very very much. ”
Unlike the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it’s not as clear what Jack’s entire endgame is. But it’s evident our collective embarrassment is part of it. Now, I have it on a good authority, that the man’s a recently made father, and perhaps, with less time available for the league, that is the edge we’ll need to delay him from his inevitable third ring. This represents your invitation to return to the IFL’s 8th season and take up the good fight.
We’re making 5 changes to the league this year:
Eliminating IDP: Polling the coaches this season, it became clear most were not a fan of the IDP trial run. So we are rolling it back.
PPR Bonuses for WRs/TEs: When we made the change from full point PPR to 1/2 point PPR / 1/2 Point per First Down, it was to make the viewing experience more enjoyable, but it had the side effect of making QBs & RBs a boost that makes them a bit overpowered. To buff WRs / TEs, they will receive a PPR bonus. All positions will still receive 0.5 PPR, but WRs will receive a bonus of 0.25 PPR, and TEs will receive a bonus of 0.5 PPR. So the net PPR breakdown is: RBs = 0.5 PPR / WRs = 0.75 PPR / TEs = 1 PPR. This pushes 3 QBs out of the Top 25 in scoring, pulls 4 WRs into the Top 25, and pulls 4 TEs into the Top 100.
Fumble/Fumble Lost: With the positional rebalancing needed, we are adding a penalty of -1 points for fumbles (that aren’t lost), and changing the penalty of fumbles lost from -2 to -3. This is a nerf to QBs primarily, then RBs secondarily. As you can see in the image below, the changes to PPR and fumbles pull the Top QB/RB/WR within 41 points of each other on the season, compared to 73 points in the previous system.
Double TEs: We eliminated the 2nd flex position last year, and we like the health that brought to the free agency pool, but we thought it might be fun to add a 2nd TE slot to the roster. The added bonus TEs pick up with the 0.5 PPR bonus giving them more depth, it will be fun to see who can squeeze the most value out of TEs 16-32 every week.
Kicker Penalties: Another fun change for the season, tiered penalties for missed kicks depending on yardage:
The buy-in is the same as last year’s, $60. With 16 owners, that makes the total prize pool $960. The 2020 payout structure will be as follows:
Place Awards
Champion = $342
Runner-Up = $70
3rd Place = $10
Division Winner = $28
Wild Card = $7
Season Awards
Pick 'Em Champ = $25
The Bounty = $20
Regular Season Champ = $15
Weekly Awards
Highest Scoring Team = $15
Highest Scoring Player = $7
The draft will start at 8 PM on Saturday August 28th. Live draft event will be held at IFL HQ in Ankeny starting at 6 PM for those that can make it.
Please send a minimum of $20 by September 1st via mail or PayPal to or Venmo @ZachRhodes3.
Godspeed men.